Two-building Miami River project plans 593 units where trailer park stood.
A major residential development along the Miami River received conditional approval from Miami’s Urban Development Review Board.
River Rapids Partners LLC proposes the two-building River Rapids at 2750 NW South River Drive. The two-phase project is to consist of two multi-family residential buildings totaling 593 rental units and 862 parking spaces.
The lot area of 172,471 square feet or 3.959 acres is the former Paradise Trailer Park. A portion of the Phase I property abuts the historic North Fork of the Miami River.
Iris Escarra, an attorney representing the owner-developer, said the property has its principal frontage on Northwest South River Drive, which wraps around the property. However, the portion abutting the eastern frontage is inaccessible due to the elevation grade change as it is an ingress/egress ramp from Northwest 27th Avenue. The 27th Avenue bridge crosses the river east of the site.
“In addition to adding housing options in the area, the redevelopment of the Property will also remove the former trailer park which … formerly produced multiple Code Compliance and Unsafe Structure complaints to the City,” wrote Ms. Escarra.
She said Phase I, on the eastern portion, will consist of an eight-story multi-family building with 300 dwelling units and 444 parking spaces. Phase II, on the western portion, will consist of a 12-story multi-family building with 293 dwelling units and 418 parking spaces.
Ms. Escarra wrote, “The Project is proposed as an Urban Core Multifamily project providing a mix of units and activating the Ground level with indoor and outdoor amenity spaces as well as garden style units. The Project is in close proximity to NW 27th Avenue as well as NW 20th Street, a designated Transit Corridor.”
She said this project will activate the pedestrian realm by providing habitable space along the street fronts and providing additional residential options in the neighborhood.
“The Project proposes the redevelopment of a former trailer park which limited the pedestrian access to the area due to the lack of sidewalks and crime issues.
“The nearby Transit Corridor provides abundant mass transit options within close walking distance to the Project. The Project provides bike parking, in excess of the required spaces, to encourage cycling,” she wrote.
The developer is requesting waivers to permit:
- Up to a 10% parking reduction.
- Two residential loading berths to be substituted for one commercial loading berth.
- Up to a 10% increase in the maximum residential floor plate area.
- Up to a 10% reduction in the drive aisle width from 23 feet to 22 feet.
- Loading access from a principal frontage.
Carlos A. Jimenez, of architectural firm Anillo. Toledo. Lopez LLC, presented renderings of the buildings and a site plan to the board.
He said the buildings will connect at the garage, and a cross block passage will provide pedestrian connectivity.
Chairman Ignacio Permuy said, “I appreciate the massing, the way it’s broken up in the center, and also the courtyard, they do have openings that are significant, let light come in … I personally appreciate what’s been done. I like the articulation.” But he added he agrees with other board members’ suggestions about moving the pools and other ideas.
Mr. Perez moved to recommend approval of the project with several conditions: remove the pools from the courtyards and relocate; widen the cross access passage to have a better access to the back of the property – “dress it up if you want”; make the units on the east face toward the sidewalk. Mr. Behar recommended the developer study pushing the garage back in order to improve the southern elevation.
The vote was unanimous.
Written by John Charles Robbins on July 12, 2022